Condition Center: Womens Health

Kidney Stone Risks After Menopause

Eating healthily and exercising regularly have many health benefits for your heart and metabolism. New research suggests these healthy habits may...

Gender Differences in COPD

COPD, a common lung disease, used to be considered a disease that primarily occurs in men. However, in recent years, more women have been...

Testosterone May Help Ladies, Too

Testosterone may help post-menopausal women enjoy a bit of a boost in the bedroom and the gym. After a hysterectomy, this hormone may be a useful...

Explaining Rates of Broken Bones

Broken bones happen for many reasons. From weak bones to accidental falls and lifestyle choices, researchers recently explored these reasons.


Millions of Unnecessary Pap Tests

If a woman has had a hysterectomy, does she still need to have Pap smears? It would stand to reason that she doesn’t since the test screens for...

How Breast MRIs Are Being Used

Actress Christina Applegate, the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, had her first breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) in 2007. The next...

Why Breast MRI is Increasing

In 2012, American women had nearly 39 million mammograms, the standard breast cancer screening method. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is also...