Lifestyle Center: Tech
If you spend a lot of time on Pinterest, you're probably exposed to a lot of depressing posts about depression — and not enough helpful, hopeful po...
Some video games might actually be good for you. And yes, you read that right.
Mom was right. It turns out watching too much TV really might hurt your brain.
Now you really have no excuse not to get your flu shot.
Say goodbye to eye patches. Kids with lazy eye can now wear electronic glasses to correct their vision.
Web counseling is an easily accessible and affordable mental health tool. And new evidence suggests it's effective, too.
A little shock to the brain could one day help some patients stop overeating.
What if you could reap the potential health benefits of drinking 50 bottles of red wine by eating a single tomato?
In a world that’s beginning to read like a science fiction novel, modern medicine has reaped its fair share of miraculous advances. One particularl...
Following a World Health Organization (WHO) report that found that processed meats could cause cancer, bacon fans took to Twitter to show their suppo...
New developments in health technology may hold the potential to change the way women are screened for breast cancer.
A genetics company is back in the business of direct-to-consumer genetic disease risk tests after a partial hiatus prompted by the US Food and Drug A...
Earlier this year, doctors discovered that 4-year-old Mia Gonzalez needed open-heart surgery to fix a malformation of her aorta. But planning their a...
There's an app for everything — including depression. But according to two UK mental health experts, that may not be a good thing.
What you post on Facebook or Twitter could reveal valuable information about your health — and scientists are banking on it.
What if science could make staying physically fit as easy as taking a pill?
In today's era of medical advances, it can be hard to tell reality from science fiction. And this remarkable new medical discovery is no different.
If you want to study the brain without operating on the real thing, you may only need 25 cents and a rat to do it.